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Zoning & Property Maintenance Officer: Richard M. Wolff, rwolff@southplainfieldnj.com , 908-226-7630
Code Enforcement Officer: John B. Abbruzzese, j.abbruzzese@southplainfieldnj.com , 908-226-7632
Zoning/Planning Board Secretary / Department Clerk, Stephanie Merola, smerola@southplainfieldnj.com , 732-215-6383
Borough of South Plainfield Zoning Ordinance
Zoning & Property Maintenance Documents |
Residential Zoning Application $50 |
Commercial Zoning Application $100 |
Zoning Verification Request $35 |
Sign Permit Application $25 |
Storage Container Application $50 Code Reference |
Fence Requirements |
Shed Requirements |
Complaint Form |
Bulk/Setback Standards |
The Zoning and Property Maintenance Department is responsible for enforcing Municipal Code regulations on private property throughout the Borough. The South Plainfield Municipal Code regulates zoning, property maintenance, and other substandard conditions on residential, commercial, and industrial properties. We also oversee Vacant and Abandoned Property maintenance.
Our objective is to help maintain and improve the quality of the community by administering an enforcement program to correct violations of municipal codes.
The Zoning Officer is charged with, but not limited to, overseeing community and neighborhood land use requirements, such as the use of the structure, location, configuration and size.
Code Enforcement is charged with, but not limited to, overseeing exterior maintenance, such as, garbage and debris, vegetative overgrowth, abandoned or inoperable vehicles, parking vehicles on unimproved surfaces, trash, debris, car parts, or other visual and hazardous nuisances on commercial, industrial, and residential property.
The enforcement of property maintenance and nuisance codes helps to ensure that there is a minimum standard for maintaining all properties in South Plainfield. YOUR help is needed to keep the Borough a safe and healthy community where all those who live, work or visit can experience a sense of pride and well-being.
Business Information
First, Thank You for selecting South Plainfield as your choice to operate your business! We are a business-friendly town and will assist you in making your application process as seemless as possible. A couple of things to consider: You will need a Commercial Zoning Permit before applying for your Certificate of Continued Occupancy (CCO) with the Building Department. The application link is posted on this page and the second page details the documents we need. If you do not have a State registered business, you can't receive a Zoning Permit. If you need to get your business registered, go here https://www.state.nj.us/treasury/revenue/gettingregistered.shtml . You will also need an EIN or Employee Identification Number from the IRS. There are links on the State website that can guide you in the right direction.
Business Signage
Residential Information
Residents of South Plainfield must complete a Residential Zoning Application for many improvements on their property. Some of the kind of improvements that require a Zoning Permit are for sheds, gazebos, pools, jacuzzis, decks, additions, changes in the use of the property, and garages. Please consult the Borough's " Schedule of Bulk Requirements " to understand how far improvements must be from your lot lines. Keep in mind that you can always E-mail the Zoning Official, Richard Wolff , to ask a question. Any improvements attached to the home become part of the Principal Structure, everything else is accessory to the use of the property. An easy way to locate what Zone your property is in, is to find it's location on the Zoning Map and see the Zone labeled for that area of the Borough. Fences do not require a Zoning Permit, so please refer to the Fence Guidelines before putting one up on your property. Corner lots must adhere to more stringent Zoning rules as they are considered to have Front Yard Setbacks on two sides of the property. The rear yard of corner lots is considered the yard opposite of the street address of the property. You can be cited for placing fencing that is not permitted. You can view the Borough Code that addresses Fencing and Additions here, General Regulations .
Residential Signage
Solar Panels
All Solar projects require a Zoning Permit as a prior approval before Construction Permits can be obtained. Please submit the Residential Zoning Application ($50 fee) for all residential homes. Property of a Commercial or Industrial nature must submit the Commercial Zoning Application ($100). Solar installers can submit both Zoning and Building Permit forms at the same time. A survey is not required for residential rooftop Solar projects if plans are submitted.
If you receive a Violation Notice from either Code Enforcement or Zoning, please note the timeframe in which to comply. If the violation is not abated (removed/gone) from the property within the timeframe, you may recieve a summons to appear in Municipal court, and may receive a fine from the court. If you are unable to abate the violation by the due date, please email or call us so we can understand your situation. We may grant extensions based upon our discussion. We are in the business of enforcement of the Borough Code, and we only seek compliance with the Code. Our department will work with you to alleviate any violation that may be present.
Many people are not exactly sure what to do when they have a compliant regarding a possible violation. We are happy to discuss the situation and will explain what type of steps we will take to have any violations corrected. The complainant's name is protected information, as is any inspection data, inspection result's, letters, phone calls, emails, or photos concerning the case investigation. Only upon closing of a case through compliance or issuance of a citation for prosecution of a case does select case information become public data.
The complainant's name, however, remains protected information. The Borough wants to help make your efforts to improve your property and neighborhood successful, and to make your experience enjoyable. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns you would like to be addressed. A Complaint Form is linked above on this page. You can drop it off at Borough Hall, E-mail it to us, or mail it in. We will take it from there!